N.V. VCM was established in 1947 in the District of Commewijne in Suriname. Plantation Rust en Werk was a sugarcane plantation owned by Jamin, a Dutch candy company. In 1978, along with 10 other plantations, René van Alen, an industrialist, and his wife Betsy van Alen-Samuels, purchased it to establish an agricultural business with export potential. Plantation Rust en Werk is the home base of the N.V. Verenigde Cultuur Maatschappijen (N.V. VCM).
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We offer our “Fresh From our Farm to You” products to both wholesale and retail customers at favorable wholesale prices. In Paramaribo and its suburban districts, our products can be delivered free of charge on fixed delivery days.
View our wholesale range here

At plantation Rust en Werk, agricultural crops, which we process into final products, are grown in an organically responsible manner.
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Livestock farming
With over 5,600 cattle and 600 goats and sheep, the largest farm currently for raising slaughter cattle in Suriname is located on the right bank of the Commewijne River.
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Agro tourism
Discover the highlights of Plantation Rust en Werk with a rural tour or enjoy delicious local dishes and our well-known chilled sweet coconut water, which can be savored at leisure at ‘t VCM Hoekhuis (shop/restaurant) approximately 350 m from the public pier of Plantation Rust en Werk.
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